Building Code
Of Practice
These guidelines have been developed to protect and to harmonize with nature and in so doing achieve an architectural coherence suitable for this unique site.
The intention is to create an environment that respects the nature, topography and character of the site and the surrounding developments on the river. The aspect from the river is of particular importance. The guidelines allow for individual choices in the design process and protect individual development within the site. The Design Manual is to be read in conjunction with the National Building Regulations and the applicable Local Authority requirements.
All building plans are to be approved by the Developer, namely, Upper Kromme Estate Trust and the Architect appointed by the Developer.
Built Form
House plans are to be simple composed of rectangular forms, the architectural designof which must allow for the various elements to be architecturally articulated with astrong emphasis on creating elegant proportions.
Large monolithic dominant structures will not be permitted. No double storey houses are permitted. The dwelling is to be a single storey from allelevations. A Lower Ground Storey with a floor to ceiling height of 2.7 meters isallowed should the topography of the site lend itself thereto , as long as the overallbuilding heights as set out in clause 3.2 below are not exceeded, and as long asapproximately 50 % of the ground floor is in contact with the ground . It is permissiblefor the dwelling to be on different floor levels.
Building Envelope
Building Lines
- Lateral boundary-3m – side or lateral boundary
- Southern (river-facing) boundary-8m on Plots 1 to 12
-3m on all other Plots - Rear boundary-3m
Height Restriction
All sites are limited to a maximum wall plate height of 3 metres fixed above the northern boundary of each site. A ground to top of roof pitch height of (7) metres measured from ground level on the Northern elevation of the dwelling, is not to be exceeded..
- Roof materials to be concrete tiles or thatch or Mazista slate
- Tile Colours – Black
Tile Profiles – Coverland Elite / (Alternative) - All major roofs to be double pitched with a pitch of no less than 30° and no more than 35°.
- Thatch roofs may have a roof pitch of 45°.
- Where parapets are used, these should extend 300mm above the roof and must be finished with a coping.
Flat roofs not exceeding 15% of the total roof area are permitted. Concrete flat roofs must be covered with brown stone chips. No bituminous finishes to edges and flashings may be visible from any part of the site or adjoining sites. Sheet material to be used for flat roofs must be approved by the Developer.
- Large blank walls exceeding 4m without doors or windows are not permitted.
Unplastered concrete blocks or bricks are not permitted.
- Natural stone.
Painted plaster.
Timber siding painted or varnished.
No concrete bricks / blocks self finished.
- White only.
- To floor level to be natural stone or facebrick not higher than 1.5m above natural ground.
Windows and Doors
To form individual openings in dominant wall elevations. Large sliding glass doors to be under roofed stoeps or balconies of at least 1.8m in width.
- Windows and doors to complement each other in design and proportion.
- Hardwood painted or varnish.
- Powder coated aluminium or PVC – black, white or brown.
- Bronze anodised.
Verandah’s, Decks, Pergolas
Supporting structures to be plastered masonry, horizontal pole (canal retaining type)or natural stone not exceeding 1.8m in height. (Decks to comply with paragraph 2.)
Balustrades to be timber varnished or stainless steel.
Shade cloth is not permitted.
Boundary Walls
3.7.1 Solid Boundary walls around individual erven not permitted.
3.7.2 Erven Perimeter Wall – Plastered brickwork piers with tanalith treated split pole infill panels.
3.7.3 Screen walls 1.8 – 2.1 metres high are required around drying yards and are permissible around courtyard areas. Walls to be of the same finish as the house.
All plant species are to be selected from the list provided by the Environmental Consultant appointed by the Developer.
- Driveways to be brick paving, precast concrete cobbles, or gravel. Nomonolithic concrete slabs will be permitted.
- No asphalt is permitted.
- Exposed rainwater goods to be prepainted aluminium or white PVC. Fibrecement rainwater goods not permitted.
- Fascias – only unpainted white PVC will be acceptable.
- Bargeboards – white unpainted PVC only.
- Verge tiles to match roof tiles are acceptable.
- Wash-line yards and refuse areas are to be screened or concealed (see item3.7.3).
- Garages, private courtyards, kitchen yards and outbuildings are to be anintegral part of the main dwelling.
- All soil waste pipes are to be concealed in walls or screened.
- Satellite dishes should be placed on the side of buildings only (specifically noton roofs).
- Television and radio antennae must be concealed in roof spaces.
- Retaining walls to be natural stone, terraforce or wood. No exposed concretepermitted.
- After the foundations have been dug and prior to them being cast, the owneris to arrange an inspection of the site by the Developer in order to ensure thatthe levels are in accordance with the plans submitted. The owner’s architectis to be present at this inspection.
- The siting of each dwelling on the plot is to be approved by the Developer,who reserves the right to alter the siting in its entire discretion.
- A minimum of 40% of each erf to remain undeveloped and in its natural state.
- A maximum footprint area of 500 square metres per unit.
- Only one dwelling per plot may be constructed.
The design, construction and positioning of Conservancy Tanks is to be approved by the Developer, whose decision in this regard shall be final and binding on the Purchaser.
The Architect and Developer may consider fully motivated waivers of the above criteria.
Plan Approval Fees
Windows and Doors
The Purchaser will be liable to pay a plan approval fee of R5,000.00 plus VAT to the Developer, for the approval of building plans. Should more than one revision be submitted, a further R1,000.00 plus VAT per submission is payable. The Developer will be entitled to review these fees in its entire discretion, from time to time.
Verandah’s, Decks, Pergolas
The Purchaser will pay a refundable building deposit of R10,000.00 to the Developer prior to approval of the Building Plans, which deposit shall be used by the Developer to restore any damage to the environment or services or infrastructure of the Development during the construction of the Purchaser’s dwelling. The deposit, less any damage which the Developer in its sole discretion deems to have been caused by the Purchaser or any of his employees or contractors, shall be refunded to the Purchaser once the construction of this dwelling has been completed.